This is the official website and authoritative voice of the RUSSIAN ORTHODOX AUTONOMOUS CHURCH OF AMERICA (ROAC). No other English language based website (other than the sites linked herein) claiming to speak for His Eminence, Metropolitan Valentine of Suzdal and Vladimir, or any of the individual Hierarchs of the Holy Synod of the RUSSIAN ORTHODOX AUTONOMOUS CHURCH (ROAC), should be considered as genuine or valid.



Jan 23, 2009

Theophany in Brooklyn, New York

On Monday, January 19th, 2009, the parish of St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco celebrated the feast of the Lord’s Theophany. His Grace Bishop Andrew of Pavlovskoye presided at the Divine Services, with the rector of the parish, Fr. Serguei Serjanov concelebrating. The church was full of worshippers, and over 40 people took Holy Communion.

Read more Here

Праздник Богоявления Господня в Бруклине, Нью Йорк

В понедельник, 19-го января, 2009-го года, приход Святителя Иоанна Шанхайского и Сан Францисского c радостью встретил праздник Богоявления Господня. Праздничное богослужение возглавил Преосвященный Епископ Павловский Андрей в сослужении настоятеля прихода - иерея Сергия Сержанова. Храм был полон прихожан и около 40 человек сподобились причаститься Святых Христовых Таин.

Прочитать подробности можно Здесь

Jan 20, 2009

Orthodox Community in Italy Requests Reception into Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church.

English Version Documents

Православная община из Италии объявила о своем намерении перейти под омофор Российской Православной Церкви.

Прочитать подробности можно Здесь

Jan 2, 2009
Christmas Epistle from Metropolitan Valentine

English Version Documents

Russian Version Documents

June 11, 2008
Open Letter from Vladimir Moss to Protopresbyter Valery Lukianov

See here an open letter from Mr. Vladimir Moss to Fr.Valery Lukianov (MP-ROCOR), with important questions regarding the Russian Church and the Moscow Patriarchate.

April 20, 2008
The American Diocese Welcomes the Parish of
Saint John of Shanghai & San Francisco in Brooklyn, NY

On the weekend of Palm Sunday the parish of Saint John of Shanghai & San Francisco was received into the ROAC. Vladyka Andrei served the Divine Liturgy with Father Serguei on Saturday with about 40 parishoners attending. Sunday, the Church had about 120 parishoners attend Divine Liturgy and celebrate their reception into ROAC as well as Palm Sunday. May God bless their efforts and love for one another!

April 15, 2008
English Translation of the February Sobor

The translation of the February Sobor in Russia has been completed and is available in the Documents section of our website. Great thanks to Vladyka Andrei for the hard work of translating all of it.

You may also download it here.


March 17, 2008
Appeal to the Presidents of the Russian Federatio & USA

The True Orthodox Church in Russia is being heavily persecuted! Below are copies of letters sent appealing for the humanitarian help of the Presidents of the Russian Federation and of the United States of America. Please pray for the mercy of God!

  • Presidential Letter (English)
  • .

  • Presidential Letter (Russian)
  • .

    February 23, 2008
    February Synodal Meeting in Suzdal

    Recently the synod of ROAC meet and has issued the following espistle:

  • Epistle of the ROAC Synod
  • .

    February 1, 2008
    Repose of Bishop Geronty

    During the night of February 1, 2008 (ns), at 5:00 AM local time, His Grace Bishop Geronty (Rindenko) of Sukhodolsk, Vicar Bishop of the Suzdal Diocese of the ROAC, departed to the Lord. Over the past few years, Vladyka Geronty had been seriously ill, and was forced to spend long periods in the hospital. Despite his ailments, Vladyka nevertheless managed to build a stone church dedicated to St. Xenia of St. Petersburg, and three chapels at municipal cemeteries. Last year, His Grace began the foundations for building yet another church. His Grace Geronty was consecrated to the episcopacy in 2001, in the church, which he himself had built in Sukhodolsk, by bishops of the ROAC. Funeral services for the reposed hierarch will be held on Sunday, February 3rd, at which His Eminence Metropolitan Valentine, Chief Hierarch of the ROAC will preside. Eternal be his Memory! Вечная память!

    January 2, 2008
    2007 Christmas Epistle of Metropolitan Valentin


  • 2007 Christmas Epistle of MV-1
  • .

    December 29, 2007
    Written by Fr. George Larin and Fr. Alexander Lebedeff
    Were they right then, or are they right now?
    (in Russian - with 2 signatures)


  • .

    December 28, 2007
    (in Russian)


  • Article from archives
  • .

    December 14, 2007

    In November, 2007 Bishop Agathangelus of Odessa entered into communion with the "Cyprianite" Synod of Greek Old Calendarists headed by Metropolitan Cyprian of Fili. (The Cyprianites claim that there has never been a break in communion between them and Bishop Agathangelus, but this is not strictly true, since the Lavrite Synod, of which Bishop Agathangelus was then a member, broke communion with the Cyprianites in 2006.) Then, early in December, Bishop Agathangelus consecrated two further bishops for his jurisdiction with the help of the Cyprianite Bishops Ambrose of Methone and George of Alania (South Ossetia) in Odessa: Andronik (Kotliarov) for New York, and Sophrony (Musienko) for St. Petersburg. So the "Agathangelite" Synod, thanks to the Cyprianites, now has three dioceses: one each for the Ukraine, Russia and North America.

    Some are hailing this expansion of the Agathangelite Synod as "the resurrection of ROCOR". Does this title correspond to the truth about the Agathangelite Synod? Read More


    September 14, 2007

    Can there be any greater proof of the religious complacency of our times? How can these New Calendar Greeks accommodate Jews, celebrating their New Year according to their old calendar, and call the Old Calendar Orthodox Greeks devoid of grace and enemies of God, like they did the Fathers at Esphigmenou Monastery on Mt. Athos? See pictures in accompanying article below.

    Orthodox church in Rochester opens doors to neighboring synagogue


    September 12, 2007

    From the official Estonian State Archive (record group 131, file 393, pages 125-126) signed by the chairman of the Estonian KGB, Col. I.P. Karpov -- (See also) RUSSIAN PATRIARCH WAS KGB AGENT, FILES SAY

    (Translated for The Wall Street Journal by George Soroka)

    "Agent 'Drozdov' -- born in 1929, a priest of the Orthodox church, with a post-secondary education, graduate theological degree, and possessing perfect command of Russian, Estonian, and weak German. Recruited 28 February 1958 on the basis of patriotic feelings for exposing and exploiting anti-Soviet elements among the Orthodox clergy, among whom he has ties which are of operational interest to the KGB. During recruitment, consideration was given (after consolidating our hold [on him] through practical work) to his future promotion, as opportunities allow, to the office of bishop of Tallinn and Estonia.

    During the period of collaboration with the KGB, 'Drozdov' made a positive impression, being precise in his appearance, energetic and sociable. He has a good understanding of the theoretical questions concerning theology and the international situation. With regard to fulfilling our assignments, he reacts with willingness and has already provided a number of materials worthy of attention which are being utilized to document the criminal activities of a member of the governing body of the Iykhviskii Orthodox church, GURKIN and his wife, who is misusing her official position by registering pensions for certain citizens (accepted bribes). Attending to this matter will represent an opportunity to strengthen 'Drozdov' in practical work with the KGB.

    In addition, 'Drozdov' also presented valuable material concerning the case being formulated against the priest POVEDSKII. At the present time he is working on perfecting his German.

    After assigning the agent to practical work with the organs of governmental security on concrete agency matters, we are planning to also utilize him for promoting our interests among capitalist governments as a member of church delegations."

  • KGB File 1
  • KGB File 2
  • KGB File 3
  • KGB File 4
  • KGB File 5
  • KGB File 6

  • August 25, 2007 -- ATTACK AGAINST ROAC IN SUZDAL

    Demonstrators bolstered by local police

    Yesterday, Friday, August 24th, there was a demonstration in front of the Synodal headquarters of the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church in Suzdal, Russia. The demonstrators, members of the Moscow Patriarchate, were accompanied by officers of the local police, and gave interviews to members of the local press, critical of the ROAC Church. As they stood demonstrating, they called out,“Sectarians, get out of Suzdal!” and “Sectarians, get out of Russia!”

    Are all sectarians being treated this way, or are the “sectarians” of the ROAC church being singled out for this treatment? What evil are these people doing by going to church and saying their prayers the way they want to? Why would this be a threat to the governing authorities? How does the present government of the Russian Federation even determine who is a sectarian? Since the fall of Communism, Russia, in its bid to join the rest of the civilized nations of the world, has signed international treaties guaranteeing freedom of conscience for its citizens, and separation of church and state.

    It would seem that events like this one do more to reinforce the oft-repeated observation of late that the present leaders of the ex-Soviet Union are returning more and more to their former totalitarian ways. It is hard to imagine that any kind of demonstration like this could take place in the West.


    August 23, 2007
    What Does It Mean?

    A new definition has crept into World Orthodoxy in recent years. World Orthodoxy has begun to recognize Orthodox Churches on the basis of their being 'canonical'. By this newly accepted definition, to be 'canonical' a church must be in full communion with Constantinople. Constantinople has become World Orthodoxy's touchstone. In fact, occasionally there are press releases that describe the Patriarchate of Constantinople as an Eastern Papacy or "the leader of World Orthodoxy.” The late Patriarch Demetrius described the Ecumenical Patriarch as the foremost bishop of Orthodoxy. If a church falls away from communion with him, it is no longer 'canonical'.

    Let's ask a simple question: How did the understanding of the term 'canonical' change? According to the Holy Fathers,    Read More


    August 20, 2007

    In 1926, Archbishop Theophanes of Poltava and Pereyaslavl, wrote the following in his work, "Short canonical judgements on chronology":

    Question. Have the pastors of the Orthodox Church made a judgement concerning the calendar?
    Answer. They have, many times - with regard to the introduction of the new Roman calendar - both in private assemblies and in councils. A proof of this is the following. First of all, the Ecumenical Patriarch Jeremiah II, who lived at the same time as the Roman calendar reform, immediately, in 1582, together with his Synod condemned the new Roman system of chronology as being not in agreement with the Tradition of the Church. In the next year (1583), with the participation of Patriarchs Sylvester of Alexandria and Sophronius VI of Jerusalem, he convened a Church Council. This Council recognised the Gregorian calendar to be not in agreement with the canons of the Universal Church and with the decree of the First Ecumenical Council on the method of calculating the day of Holy Pascha.

    Through the labours of this Council there appeared: a Conciliar tome, which denounced the wrongness and unacceptability for the Orthodox Church of the Roman calendar, and a canonical conciliar Decree - the Sigillion of November 20, 1583. In this Sigillion all three of the above-mentioned Patriarchs with their Synods called on the Orthodox firmly and unbendingly, even to the shedding of their blood, to hold the Orthodox Menaion and Julian Paschalion, threatening the transgressors of this with anathema, cutting them off from the Church of Christ and the gathering of the faithful.

    In the course of the following three centuries: the 17th, 18th and 19th, a whole series of Ecumenical Patriarchs decisively expressed themselves against the Gregorian calendar and, evaluating it in the spirit of the conciliar decree of Patriarch Jeremiah II, counselled the Orthodox to avoid it.

    Question. Is the introduction of the new calendar important or of little importance?
    Answer. Very important, especially in connection with the Paschalion and it is an extreme disorder and ecclesiastical schism, which draws people away from communion and unity with the whole Church of Christ, deprives them of the grace of the Holy Spirit, shakes the dogma of the unity of the Church and, like Arius, tears the seamless robe of Christ, that is, everywhere divides the Orthodox, depriving them of oneness of mind; breaks the bond with Ecclesiastical Holy Tradition, and makes them fall under conciliar condemnation for despising Tradition.

    Question. How must the Orthodox relate to the new calendarist schismatics, according to the canons?
    Answer. They must have no communion in prayer with them, even before their conciliar condemnation.


    July 24, 2007
    by Bishop GREGORY Grabbe

    (Translated from *Church News* [in Russian], No. 5, Sept. - Oct. 1994, pp. 2-4.)

    The newspaper *Pravoslavnaya Rus*, in its issue number seventeen of the present year, published the Decision of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad concerning the establishment of prayerful Eucharistic communion with the group of Old Calendarists headed by Metropolitan Cyprian of Oropos and Fili.[1]

    In its concluding section the Decision elucidates the causes that prompted the Sobor to take this step. However, in not one of its six points does it mention that the Sobor of 1975 resolved not to have communion with the Greek groups until they themselves had become united, and the Synod, already presided over by Metropolitan Vitaly, reaffirmed this wise decision in the spring of 1993, that is, a mere year and a half ago. Everyone is aware that the Greek groups can in no wise boast of having already achieved unity, yet the present Conciliar Decision offers no explanation whatsoever for this abrogation by the Sobor of its previous resolutions.

    Thus, in the Decision it is stated,   Read More


    July 12, 2007

    Not a month has gone by since the ignominious capitulation of the ROCOR to the MP, but already the spirit of their new masters is showing itself.

    At about 7:00 PM on Thursday, July 12th n.s., the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, Bishop Andrew, the Administrator of the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church in the US, visited the cemetery at Novo Diveevo Convent, as he usually does on this day, to serve a panikhida at the grave of his spiritual Father and mentor Archbishop Andrei (Rymarenko) of Rockland, who died on this feast.

    From 1976 to 1978, Bishop Andrew had lived at Novo Diveevo and served Archbishop Andrei as his cell attendant. In return for his services, Archbishop Andrei gave him private lessons in preparation for his ordination to the priesthood. On Dormition 1982, Bishop Andrew (then known as Fr. Michael Maklakov) was ordained to the priesthood by St. Metropolitan Philaret in the cathedral church at Novo Diveevo.

    After serving the panikhida on Thursday, Bishop Andrew was approached by a priest hitherto unknown to him. This priest introduced himself as Fr. George Zelenin from Paterson, NJ. Fr. George asked Bishop Andrew, “And who are you, Father?” Bishop Andrew replied, “My name is Bishop Andrew.” Fr. George continued, “Well then, Father, you ought to know, especially if you are a bishop, as you say you are, that you have no right to serve a panikhida in the cemetery without first receiving permission from the rector.” Bishop Andrew responded, “Thank you for the information, Father.” Then he continued, “Perhaps you don’t know, but I had been Archbishop Andrei’s cell attendant.” Fr. George responded, “Oh yes, I know. We know everything about you. Nevertheless, this does not change the fact that you must still get permission before entering the cemetery, especially if you want to do any kind of service.” Bishop Andrew responded, “This cemetery is a public place. There are graves here of Ukrainians, Romanians, Greeks, Georgians, Bulgarians, Roman Catholics and Protestants. In thirty years, I have never heard of anyone asking for permission to visit the cemetery in order to pray for the souls of the dead.” Fr. George’s answer to Bishop Andrew’s statement that the cemetery was a public place was, “Not exactly, not exactly.” By this time, Fr. George was shaking and his voice was quivering uncontrollably. Bishop Andrew then said, “Well, if you are so sure about your statement, you can call the police if you wish, but I’m not leaving until I am ready to leave.”

    It was Bishop Andrew’s impression that someone had put Fr. George up to this altercation, since he had never met him before this moment, and did not know who he was. It is also a well-known fact that many clergymen visit the cemetery at all hours of the day and evening without seeking special permission. Indeed, there is nowhere to ask for permission anyway, especially at that time of the evening. The idea itself is absurd. There is indeed a custom of asking for permission from the rector before serving inside someone else’s church building. But to extend this to a cemetery is really a stretch. Do they think now that the remains of six thousand of the staunchest opponents of the Soviet Union and the MP have joined them in their apostasy? Do they intend to hold them “hostage” now in an effort to force the rest of us to join them?

    This is not the Soviet Union or the Russian Federation, its bastard child, that we are talking about. This is the United States of America, the land of the free, where this took place. Bishop Andrew is not Russian, nor is he of Russian descent. He does speak Russian, as well as four other languages. Twenty-six years ago, when he was about to become a Russian Orthodox priest, he russified his last name in order to fit in better with the people that he would be serving. His great-great-great-great grandfather was one of the Minutemen who fought at Concord and Lexington, and later served as quartermaster in the army of General George Washington. And now he is being told by a “New Russian” that he has no right to enter a public cemetery to pray for the repose of the soul of his spiritual father, a man whose sufferings for not accepting the declaration of Sergius Stragorodsky are well known!?! What can we expect from these people next? “And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household.” (Matt. 10:36) “They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.” (John: 16:2)



    From Louisiana: Wow! What a story! “Blessed are you when men shall revile and persecute you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven.” Archbishop Andrei (Rymarenko) must be spinning in his grave, so to speak.

    From Argentina: This is a very sad news, but there we can see who are the "new masters" of Lavrites, and they are just the "new commissars" of the MP. So, just as those were servants of Stalin, now the lavrites are servants of MP and his master neo-stalinist Putin.

    From California: This is outrageous!...I am so sorry that you were treated like this, especially being the descendant of those made this country independent from outside domination. But it looks like this is merely the start of the long Soviet reach to rule here! Unbelievable! ...Well, this incident displays how very evil these people are in their persecution of those who have seen the light way back when - and acted upon it instead of whispering complaints like the Rocor clerics who won't ever endanger their "positions" and "reputations" to move to a correct jurisdiction.Thank you for conveying a shocking bit of truth of these vipers!

    From France: Lord, have mercy!


    June 19, 2007

    A talk delivered by Fr. Maximus (Maretta) to the Inter-Orthodox Conference “Orthodoxy and Modern Ecumenism,” University of Chicago, March 5/18, 2007.

    Your Grace, Fathers and Brethren, Ladies and Gentlemen,

    I would like to speak to you today about the problem of conservative New Calendarism. By conservative New Calendarists I mean those who consider the institution of the Gregorian calendar and involvement in the ecumenical movement to be misguided, unfortunate, or even to some degree heretical, but nevertheless remain in churches which follow the New Calendar and foster Ecumenism. While conservative New Calendarists rightly consider Orthodoxy to be the one and only true Church of Christ and adhere to Orthodox doctrines and practices with admirable zeal, they find themselves under bishops who deny those doctrines and shun traditional piety. Although this situation is certainly uncomfortable for them, they are obligated to justify it, and to this end employ the following argument:

    The participation of our bishops in the ecumenical movement is wrong, but it is only an abuse, not a heresy; and if it even descends to the level of heresy, it occurs only on a personal, not an official, level.

    Thus the church as a whole is not implicated in the heresy, and one may in good conscience continue in communion with the bishops in question. This line of reasoning underlies virtually all serious attempts to justify remaining in the New Calendarist, or Ecumenist church, and not returning to the Old Calendarist, or traditional Orthodox Church.

    The argument in itself begs the question of...   Read More


    June 14, 2007
    by Archpriest Michael

    The Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR) has ceased to exist. But not as a result of the events of May 17th. That was only the epilogue. In the Russian language newspaper Nasha Strana (Our Country), S.V. Volkov wrote these remarkable words: The ROCOR ceased to exist the moment the idea was accepted by its Synod that talks with the Moscow Patriarchate (MP) were possible.

    The ROCOR had stood on two principles.

    The first one was a consistent stance of anti-Sovietism and anti-Communism. It exposed the regime of the Bolsheviks as criminal. In 1922, the bishops who led the ROCOR sent an appeal    Read More




    Dearly beloved Brothers and Sisters in the Lord!

    The entire Orthodox world can now bear witness to the fact that the prophetic words of the holy Apostle and Evangelist St. John the Theologian as recorded in the Book of Revelation: “And it was given unto the dragon to make war with the saints, and to overcome them” have come to pass.

    The study of the Orthodox Faith lies at the foundation of the spiritual life of each man. However, the signing of the Act of Canonical Union be-tween the hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR) and the representatives of the Moscow Patriarchate (MP), who are stained with a multitude of sins from the period of the atheistic madness in Russia, is a huge blow against the Orthodox Faith.

    The path leading to perdition upon which    Read More


  • (In Russian) - 20070525 Epistle Synod to Flock
  • .

    June 14, 2007

    By Vladimir Moss

    The Orthodox world was shocked when, in 1965, Pope Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras “lifted the anathemas” on their churches. Metropolitan Philaret led the True Orthodox in protesting that this simply could not be done. The anathemas on the Filioque and other Papist heresies were eternally valid, for falsehood remains falsehood for ever; and as long as the Papists confessed these heresies, they fell under the anathemas.

    The essential point is this: if an anathema expresses truth, and the bishops who pronounce it are true, then it has power “to the ages of ages”, and nobody can lift it, because   Read More


    April 25, 2007


    Just as when a clergyman is ordained, it is a public act, so also, when a clergyman’s service to the Church comes to an end, it must be made known publicly. This is so that people may know how to interact with him, and so that they may know that he no longer represents the Church in any way, nor do his actions any longer have any validity as a clergyman.

    I have received a letter from Fr. Nicholas Stanosheck, in which Fr. Nicholas has tendered his resignation from the office of deacon, effective Pascha, 2007.

    Just as when a man who wishes to divorce his wife must submit a petition for divorce and wait for a higher authority to act upon it, even though he may be separated from his wife, so also a clergyman, who by the service of ordination is “married” to the Church, may be in a state of separation from his service, even though he has not yet been freed from the obligations of his office. We usually call this time a period of suspension.

    Fr. Nicholas’ petition is presently going through the appropriate procedures. He no longer represents the ROAC as a clergyman. It is not improper to continue to address him as Father during this time. However, since he is leaving his position by his own volition, I think it is also acceptable to address him simply as a layman, as he himself desires.


    A group of 13 Jordanville monastics have forwarded the following letter to Metropolitan Laurus:

    "We witness, with great sorrow and frustration, that as the rapprochement with the MP progresses, our ROCOR is disintegrating more and more, both externally and internally. We observe with a sad feeling, that many staunch believers of our Church make a decision to no longer be with us. We regret to see the bitter fruits of the unification process: strife, contention at court, dissent, general perplexity; tragic destinies of some believers; loss of trust in our arch pastors; disillusionment often bordering on despair; self-willed behavior of certain bishops not aligned with truth and canons; obvious deviation from the traditional patristic path of ROCOR; heading for unification in spite of the fact that many questions of Sergianism and ecumenism have yet to be dealt with in the light of the pure patristic teaching of the Church. Globalization gains momentum, a tendency for unification of all nations and religions is all too apparent. Holy Fathers warned us of this time, and interpreted it as an unleashed preparation for the coming of the anti-Christ.    Read More


    The leadership of the Moscow Patriarchate has now officially declared that it looks upon the property of the Russian Church Abroad as its own, for only it, and no other, is the "sole legal heir to the property of the pre- Revolutionary Church," which, consequently, "is being held by the schismatics abroad -illegally," and that such a decision "is accepted by the Orthodox believing people of Russia with joy and profound gratitude.” This statement compels us, the hierarchs abroad, to address the Russian Orthodox people directly. It is essential that we clarify the essential question which has emerged over the last decade-the question of succession with regard to the Russian Orthodox Church and historical Russia.

    I. On the eve of the fall of the Communist regime it seemed possible that the previous cause of the ecclesiastical division-the atheistic government-was already falling away, and that the rest of our problems would be resolved in a fraternal dialogue. The Council of Bishops repeatedly referred to this idea in its epistles, and in actual fact strove to open paths to this fellowship. In this, however, great difficulties were encountered,    Read More

    April 12, 2007

    Archbishop Theodore of Borisovskoye and Otradna
    (Secretary of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church)
    Responds to Various Questions from the Faithful:

    Who ordained Vladyka Valentine to the episcopacy?

    Vladyka Valentine was made a bishop by four hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR)—Archbishop Mark of Berlin and Germany, Archbishop Anthony of Geneva and Western Europe, Bishop Barnabas of Cannes, and Bishop Gregory. The consecration took place in the memorial church of St. Job the Muchsuffering on February 10th, 1991, in Brussels.

    What led to the reason why Vladyka Valentine left the ROCOR?

    He got in the way of the ROCOR’s plans for unification with the heretics/ecumenists of the Moscow Patriarchate, which had already begun by then. The ROCOR’s well-known expert on canon law, Vladyka Gregory (Grabbe), wrote    Read More

    Управляющий делами Архиерейского Синода РПАЦ Архиепископ Борписовский и Отрадненский Феодор отвечает на вопросы верующих:

    Кто рукополагал вл. Валентина в епископа? — Вл. Валентина поставляли в епископы четыре архиерея � ПЦЗ: Архиепископ Марк Берлинский и Германский, Архиепископ Антоний Женевский и Западно-Европейский, Епископ Варнава Каннский, Епископ Григорий. Хиротония совершилась в Брюсселе в храме-памятнике в честь св. Иова Многострадального 10 февраля 1991 г.

    Почему вл. Валентин ушел из � ПЦЗ? — Потому, что он стал ненужным препятствием на пути начавшегося сближения � ПЦЗ с Московской Патриархией и еретиками-экуменистами. Известный канонист Зарубежной Церкви вл. Григорий (Граббе) написал в одном из своих докладов, что Синод � ПЦЗ «сделал абсолютно все возможное для того, чтобы вынудить � оссийских Преосвященных    Read More

    Why the Moscow Patriarchate (MP) is not the historical Russian Orthodox Church !

    A brief history of the Moscow Patriarchate (MP) and Russian Othodox Church Outside Of Russia (ROCOR)

    By Fr. Nikita Grigoriev (November 2006)
    Rector, Saint John of Kronstadt Parish, Utica, NY
    Instructor of Apologetics, Holy Trinity Seminary, Jordanville, NY 1986-2006

    Some of the faithful are being confused by assertions that the ROCOR must necessarily unite with the MP at this time or face dire consequences. These consequences include losing ROCOR’s canonical foundation, creating a schism in the Church, becoming a sect, losing respect in the eyes of the world, partaking in the heresy of Donatism, etc. The positive reasons for immediate union are usually given as the claim that Communism has fallen in Russia, the MP has completely renounced “Sergianism” as well as Ecumenism and above all, that Russia, the long suffering Russian people and the MP need the ROCOR now. In other words, the best way for ROCOR to help the Russian people is to unite with the MP now. If they don’t do it now, ROCOR will not get another chance, and will become a sect and earn the contempt of the world.

    It is worthwhile at this time to sort out some of these assertions in the light of historical fact and to focus clearly on the real issues at hand.

    Donatism has nothing to do with why the Russian Orthodox Church, whether abroad or in catacombs cannot join the organization that calls itself the ROC, MP. Donatism was a heresy that taught that the sacraments performed by a priest or bishop of    Read More

    March 31, 2007


    (English & Russian)

    mpputin “In the near future, we expect to start seeing a gradual confiscation of ROAC churches and their transfer to the Moscow Patriarchate,” affirm Alexander Verkhovsky and Olga Sibireva, authors of a lecture entitled “Problems Concerning the achievement of Freedom of Conscience in Russia in 2006”. The lecture, prepared by the informational/analytical center “SOVA”, was delivered in Moscow on March 22nd.

    The problems concerning the real estate of the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church (ROAC) is an illustration of that part of the document where support for religious organizations that enjoy a “privileged” status by the government will be realized by the control of property.

    “The main form of material assistance for religious organizations on the part of the government    Read More

    March 29, 2007



    In a recent letter from Metropolitan Valentine, he spoke about a certain priest who was visiting him from the city of Zheleznovodsk, where the local government took their church property away from them and transferred it to the Moscow Patriarchate.

    "The parish was finally permitted to re-register (re-incorporate) there, but the local police will not let him serve. They recently called him into the police station and asked him what right he had to pray and serve in his own home? They are threatening him with fines and other punishments. Such are our laws now!"


    March 7, 2007




    (Letterhead of the Suzdal Diocesan Administration)

    No. 10        March 7, 2007

    Copy to: Dean of the churches of the Moscow Deanery, the Mitered Archpriest Michael Ardov

    T. Senina, A. Soldatov, S. Suvorov, O. Mitrenina

    Without the knowledge or blessing of their ruling hierarch, Alexander Soldatov and Sergei Suvorov, both members of ROAC, established the socalled “group initiative” in the name of the “clergy, monastics, and laity,” and began to foment sedition against the decisions of the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church, collecting signatures in the church of the Holy Martyred Tsar Nicholas in Moscow.

    Alexander Soldatov and Sergei Suvorov “laity,” as well as the so-called “monastics” Tatiana Senina and Olga    Read More

    July 12, 2007

    MONITORING THE MEDIA:Three anniversaries. The MP solemnly noted Sergius Stragorodsky's anniversary, after beginning the gradual preparation of their flock for his "canonization".

    In January-February of 2007 in many dioceses of Moscow Patriarchate celebrations occurred on the occasion of the 140th anniversary of the birthday of its "father-founder", the author of the Declaration of 1927: the first Soviet Patriarch Sergius (Stragorodskogo), put in this post in 1943 by the God-hating tyrant Stalin's order. As the official Internet site of the MP "Pravoslaviye.Ru" noted in its eulogy: "January 24 sees the accomplishment of 140 years since the birthday of the Most Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Sergius (Stragorodsky - 1867-1944).    Read More


    (This copy was apparently faxed to an unnamed third party.)

    Fax machine line reads:
    FROM: Holy Synod
    FAX NO.: 952 20 27
    AUG. 07 2006 05:21

    Actual text of faxed document, on official letterhead (which is in Russian and English)

    Russian Orthodox Church
    Holy Synod
    Department for External Church Relations
    Danilovsky Monastery
    22 Danilovsky Val, Moscow 11591

    Phone: (095) 954-04-54
    Fax: (095) 230-26-19

    No. 16/72         01-08-2006

    To The President of the Russian Federation, Putin, V.V.

    Most Highly Esteemed Vladimir Vladimirovich!

    In violation of the prohibition of the Holy Patriarch, and of the memorial society "Primirenie", monuments to the White leaders and to the Cossack Atamans, bearing the names of the accomplices of the Fascists have been erected without authorization on the territory    Read More

    March 15, 2007

    Once again, in its pitiable attempt to slander the hierarchs or clergy of our Synod, VERTOGRAD has succeeded only in solidifying its reputation for having "news" stories that are so outrageous (and unsubstantiated), that it’s now widely read by those in ROAC for entertainment purposes and not for truthful information.

    This past week, VERTOGRAD published yet another inaccurate report according to which 3 of our American clergy left our Synod here in the America because Read More

    March 5, 2007

    In response to the March 5th, 2007 posting by the VERTOGRAD Orthodox Journal Newsletter, we take this opportunity to correct the claims that their newsletter is trying to purport.

    First, one must understand that VERTOGRAD is a publication owned, operated, and controlled by the few followers of Gregory Lourie. This explains its obvious slant and perspective. Our Synod not only defrocked Gregory Lourie, but even worse, Read More

    Metropolitans Pavlos and Valentine

    "On Sunday evening, February 4th, Metropolitan Valentine and I paid a visit to His Eminence Metropolitan PAVLOS of Astoria. Metropolitan VALENTINE has known Metropolitan Pavlos for many years. He also knew Metropolitan Pavlos' uncle, Metropolitan Petros. During the short, but very cordial visit, the thought was expressed that it would be good for our two churches to have some kind of dialogue. However, no agreement was made about any "official" talks. Much would have to be done on both sides, before any thing like that could come about. This is the kind of decision that all the bishops of both synods would have to agree on. This visit had more the character of a simple social meeting between old friends."


    In Russia, at the MP's request, the Russian government has increased its attacks on the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church (ROAC). Even though the current ROAC temples have all passed inspections, the government is now reinspecting all of the ROAC churches and declaring them either not improved enough, or improved in unapproved ways! This excuse is used for the government to grab these temples and give them to their MP. In addition, Metropolitan Valentine has been getting repeated calls telling him to leave Russia for good while he still has time. Please pray for the faithful in Russia that are under these attacks purely for standing firm in the faith and not capitulating to the demands of the MP.
    Vladikas AXIOS! AXIOS! AXIOS!
    We have a new bishop! His Grace, Bishop ANDREI of Pavlovskoye is a new bishop who will be the Adminstrator of the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church of America, in residence at the Church of Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker in the NYC metro area.
    We present here for you a copy of the official Ukase appointing Bishop ANDREI of Pavlovskoye the Adminstrator of the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church of America.
    In our documents section we have added ALL of the official ROCOR Newsletter of the "Department of Foreign Relations" by Bishop GREGORY (Grabbe), the synod's secretary, in both Russian and English. We also have added all of the issues of the successor publication, "Church News" by Matushka Anastasia, who was Vladyka GREGORY's secretary and daughter. These 30 years of periodicals, showing the true historical path of the ROCOR and the sad ecumenical path of World Orthodoxy that ROCOR has unfortunately chosen to join. Read them all at our documents page.

    On Thursday, October 13th, eve of the feast of the Protection of the Mother of God, unknown criminals burglarized the Synodal headquarters and residence of Metropolitan VALENTINE, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church.

    Between the hours of 4:00 PM and 7:00 PM, the Metropolitan was home alone, recuperating from an illness. At around 7:00 PM, Archbishop THEODORE, returning from services, was unable to enter the Synodal headquarters due to    Read More

    His Grace Bishop Anthony Grabbe September 13th, 2005

    On September 13th, 2005, Metropolitan VALENTINE arrived in New York and proceeded directly to the funeral home where the late Bishop ANTHONY was lying in state, and served a pahikhida together with ROAC clergy. Present at the pahikhida were relatives and friends of the deceased, as well as several clergymen from the ROCOR, in particular, Fr Alexander Lebedeff, Fr Peter Kholodny, and others. On the following day, September 1/14, 2005, Metropolitan VALENTINE performed the funeral service together with other ROAC clergy. When the funeral was finished, Metropolitan VALENTINE gave a short sermon, after which the coffin containing the remains of the deceased was carried out to the singing of "A helper and protector". At the cemetery, Metropolitan VALENTINE and the other clergy met the coffin with the remains of the reposed and escorted it to the place of burial. A short memorial service was served at the grave of the deceased, which was attended by relatives and friends of the deceased, as well as clergymen from the ROCOR. After the burial at Novo Diveevo Cemetery was ended, a mercy meal was offered in two halls of the Tolstoy Foundation. During the mercy meal, Metropolitan VALENTINE and Lazar Djurdjinovich gave speeches, which expounded on the life and work of the deceased. While at the Novo Diveevo Cemetery, Metropolitan VALENTINE served a panikhida for the repose of Bishop GREGORY (Grabbe).

    On September 17th, 2005, the All-night Vigil was served, and on the following day, the Divine Liturgy, during which Metropolitan VALENTINE elevated Igumen Andrew (Maklakov) to the rank of archimandrite, awarded the mitre to Archimandrite Ephraem Bertolette, rector of Saint Barbara’s Monastery, and elevated Father Fotios Roseboro to the rank of archpriest. After the Divine Liturgy was finished, a pahikhida was served for the repose of Metropolitans Anthony and Anastasy, Bishop Gregory, and the newly-reposed Bishop Anthony. The Divine Liturgy was attended by parishioners from New Jersey, Massachusetts, Virginia, New York, Pennsylvania, France and Greece.

    On September 19th, Metropolitan VALENTINE departed for Moscow.


    His Grace, The Right Reverend Bishop ANTHONY (Grabbe) of New York has reposed in the Lord. Please pray for his soul, especially over the next 40 days.
    May 18th, 2005


    Metropolitan Valentine of Suzdal and Vladimir is back in Russia after a three week pastoral trip to America, having visited the grave of Bishop Gregory (Grabbe) of blessed memory and celebrating the 80th birthday of Church News editor Matushka Anastasia Shatilovna.

    On Wednesday, May 18th, 2005, His Eminence Metropolitan Valentine arrived at Kennedy Airport in New York City for a visit to his American flock. He was met at the airport by Father Igumen Andrew Maklakov. On Friday, May 20th, Vladyka Metropolitan paid a visit to His Grace Bishop Anthony Grabbe. On Sunday, May 22nd, the feast of the translation of the relics of St. Nicholas from Myra in Lycia to Bari, Italy, the Metropolitan served the Divine Liturgy, together with the clergy, at the St. Nicholas parish in Elmwood Park, New Jersey. During the Divine Liturgy, the Metropolitan awarded Fr. Fotios Roseboro the nabedrennik (epigonation) and the kamilavka. After the Divine Liturgy, all were invited for trapeza. On Monday, May 23rd, Vladyka served a panikhida at the grave of Bishop Gregory Grabbe. On Tuesday, May 24th, Vladyka traveled to Middletown, New Jersey, where he visited St. Barbara’s Monastery. The V. Rev. Archimandrite Father Ephraem, abbot of St. Barbara’s Monastery greeted Vladyka with the traditional ringing of the bells and bread and salt. Vladyka inspected the monastery premises and the new chapel, which is being built there. After their conversation, Fr. Ephraem invited the visitors to trapeza.

    On Sunday, June 5th, Metropolitan Valentine served the Divine Liturgy at St. Nicholas Parish in New Jersey. On Monday, June 6th, after bidding farewell to all of the parishioners and guests, and speaking to other clergy by telephone, Vladyka boarded a plane at JFK airport for his return flight to Russia.

    Contrary to false allegations on the website of former Archbishop Gregory of Colorado (that had been investigated by American clergy and finally answered by Matushka Anastasia last year) that the United States government had subpeonaed the Metropolitan on smuggling charges, the Metropolitan was not approached by law enforcement.
    April 6, 2005


    On April 6, the Arbitration court for Stavropol decided to transfer the the St Olga Temple belonging to the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church to the jurisdiction of the Stavropol Diocese of the MP. This decision is a reversal of the previous one from July 22, 2004, which acknoweleged the right of the community to its own Church building.

    The parish of Saint Olga has more than 2,000 parishoners, not only from Zheleznovodsk, but from other districts of the Caucasus, including from Pyatygorska and Essentuki. A temple was built in 1989 on the community's facilities. The Moscow Patriarchate, neither through its Stavropol diocese nor through the city administration, did not pay a penny for the foundation of this Church, according to Priest Roman Novakovsky. Only recently the building of the temple was even officially recognized, and before this the city refused to help the community in any way. All the while, the city authorities tried to disperse the ROAC community.

    Mayor Anatoly Zubtsov of Zheleznovodsk, through Decree #891 from October 3, 2003, deprived the Saint Olga Church community the right to the lot of land on which their Church was built on. They had held the land since 1993. Then the ministry of justice attempted to deprive the community of legal registration. These efforts were yet unsuccessful. Finally, the Civil Court acknowledged the right of the community to the domain of their temple and obliged formal registration to be drafted for the recognition on the part of the civil authorities of the building.

    This decision determined by the law was not appealed and it was given legal force. But then it was abolished in an appellate court. The Stavropol Diocese of the MP attacked with two lawsuits — one for illegal domain of the property and one to evict the community from the building.

    The Saint Olga Community of ROAC has the originals of all the financial and estimate documents on the building of a temple, work agreements, et cetera. In the same area, the Stavropol Diocese of the MP has only the documents about the formal recogniztion of the building, hurriedly made by Mayor Zubtsov of Zheleznovosk. He claimed that BTY, the city land committee, designed all the documents on the domain by building and by an area on the name of dioceses. Already a diocese by next day had certificates about all the structures, despite the fact that the question of ownership was already examined by the court.

    ROAC's Saint Olga Church community is currently arguing a complaint in Appellate court. Father Siluan Dignac

    We wish Father Siluan and his Matushka Nadia many years! Siluan Dignac, the ward of the Vladimir Mother of God Mission in Buenos Aires, Argentina and Spanish-language moderator of the Euphrosynos Cafe Internet Forum, was ordained to the sacred Diaconate on Sunday and to the holy Priesthood yesterday in Suzdal by Metropolitan VALENTINE of Suzdal and Vladimir, the first hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church (ROAC). The ordination marks the beginning of the free Russian Orthodox Church's mission to Latin America.

    We have just received word that Hieromonk Gerasim (Romanoff) of ROAC's Saint Nicholas Russian the Wonderworker Orthodox Church in New Jersey has fallen asleep in the Lord. Please remember him in your prayers, especially over the next 40 days.

    Persecutions continue against clerics of the Russian Church in the Stavropol region. Now being a member of a ROAC is the all that is needed to be persecuted, Vertograd reports.

    MP Bishop Theofan (Ashurkov) has successfully orchestrated an eviction from the apartment of Priest Andrei Fedyunin, the rector of the ROAC parish of the village of Kursavka. In June of 1999, Father Andrei and a number of the parishioners of the Saint Michael Church in the village of Kursavka left the Stavropol diocese of the MP, after serving in the parish for more than five years. During Father Andrei's service in the MP local authorities granted the family a permit to live in a specified local residence. When Father Andrei withdrew from the MP there were no questions of the legality of the stay in their home. But soon after the passage of Father Andrei into the Free Russian Church was publicized in the local press, articles began to appear about "American sectarians" taking over the Kursava village temple, courtesy of the MP's Stavropol diocese.

    In 2001, the parishioners of the local MP church concocted a statement under advisement from Kursavka's village administration, where it was determined that a direct transfer of residential property was needed for the MP community, which happened to be the same property where Father Andrei lived with his family for five years. Of course, they "forgot to inform" the priest of this fact, leaving him no time to seek any legal recourse prior to this decision. Priest Andrei Fedyunin repeatedly turned the procuratorship of the Andropovsk region of Stavropol with complaints of illegal actions on the part of the village administration, but the procuratorship found nothing illegal in these actions. Meanwhile, the MP SaintMichael Parish filed a motion to the court evicting Fr Andrei from from the apartment he lived in. In response, Father Andrei filed a counter-motion arguing that the building transfer to the MP was illegal, but in the course of two years, nothing was done.

    Assigned this past year to the MP's Stavropol diocese, Bishop Theofan (Ashurkov) turned to the deputy representative of the President of the Southern federal region, Korobeynikov (a native of s. Kursavka) with the request to assist taking the apartment occupied by FatherAndrei "by any means". In spite of all their difficulties, the parishioners of ROAC's Saint Vladimir Church in Kursavka and their rector, Father Andrei, believe that the small community of the Free Russian Church, with God's help and through the might of prayer, will overcome all disorganization and oppression in which it finds itself.

    On Thursday, November 26, 2004, Archimandrite Michael (Graves), administrator for the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church's Haitian mission, was found dead in the bathroom of Maison Orthodoxe, the mission's administrative center. The official report states that the cause of death was cardiovascular failure. The circumstances surrounding his death are unclear; he was found alone by two young boys some time after his actual repose. There were no reports of Father Michael having health problems before.

    Father Michael singlehandedly started the mission to Haiti two decades ago, and he along with his attached parishes joined the Russian Autonomous Church in June of this year. An active speaker in defense of the Metropolitan during this period, he gained the respect and admiration of almost everyone he dealt with, except his most bitter enemies.

    In his most recent semi-weekly newsletters, Father Michael's tone became peculiarly ominous, including in his second-to-last edition a prediction of his own incarceration or death due to the political circumstances in Haiti. Father Michael had a number of enemies ... Yet his views were consistent with the Gospel; he refused to recognize any nearby government as Christian in nature and was more concerned with consistency with the Gospel above all else. Without a full investigation in Haiti, it is currently impossible to determine whether Father Michael simply died of stress-related heart failure or whether this was a skillfully executed murder on the part of local warlords, who had imprisoned and killed Roman Catholic priests in recent weeks for political views similar to Father Michael's.

    The Hierarchical Synod of the ROAC issued the following Statement on the death of Archimandrite Michael: "The news of the repose of Father Archimandrite Michael has shaken the Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church. We extend our sincerest sympathies to all of Father Michael's relatives and to all who were close to him. We pray that the Lord grant rest to his soul and admit it to where the righteous repose. The President and Hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church"

    Archimandrite Michael will be buried with his parents in his native New Jersey, United States.
    October 30, 2004


    Saturday, October 30, 2004 by Yoav Gonen, Staten Island Advance

    The odyssey of the Rev. Vladimir Shishkoff and the parishioners of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker Orthodox Church ended one day in December 2001 when they turned a Stapleton basement into a warm and thriving church. The long tale of what led them there in the first place encompasses catacombs and communism, politics and persecution, and perhaps most of all, faith.

    The Russian Orthodox Church was driven underground or outside of Russia following the Communist-Bolshevik revolution of 1917. According to Father Shishkoff    Read More
    PROTOCOL #48 AND #49

    We present here for you a copy of the official Synodal Protocol No. 48 and No. 49 concerning the suspension, retirement, and excommunication of the former-archbishop Gregory (George Abu Asaly) of Denver and Colorado.

    Fr. Vladimir Shishkoff of St Nicholas Church has been elevated to the rank of Protopresbyter and retains the duty of Administrator for North America.

    For the information and spiritual protection of the clergy and faithful of ROAC in North America: Because of his numerous uncanonical actions, His Eminence Abp Gregory of Colorado, has been temporarily removed as Bishop of the Archdiocese of Colorado, placed in retirement and constrained to live in Dormition Skete without the right to serve or perform any sacraments until such a time as the Synod of Bishops renders a decision concerning his jurisdiction and authority.

    The monastics and faithful living in the Denver Archdiocese have been temporarily placed under the direct authority of the Synod of Bishops of the ROAC.

    June 27, 2004

    At Saint Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church on Staten Island, New York, on June 27, 2004 on the Feast of Patriarch Methodius of Constantinople; The Reverend Deacon Fotios Roseboro of Saint Basil of Kineshma Russian Orthodox Church was ordained to the Holy Priesthood for Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called Russian Orthodox Church in Virginia. May God grant Father Fotios many years of service to His Church!
    April 18, 2004


    The Synod of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church relates that on April 18, 2004, Thomas Sunday, His Eminence Metropolitan Valentine celebrated the Divine Liturgy at Dormition Skete. Serving with him were His Grace Bishop Gregory of Denver and Colorado, Hegumen George, Hieromonk Andrew, the priests Dionysi McGowan and John Claypool, and Archdeacon Peter. After the liturgy was ended, there was a trapeza in the monastery refectory to which all of the monastery brotherhood and all of the faithful were invited.

    After the trapeza, the clergy and some of the faithful met with the Metropolitan in order to discuss questions relating to the life and activities of members of the R.O.A.C. in the USA. This meeting lasted until late in the evening.

    At 11:30 PM, Vladyka Valentine became ill.    Read More

    On Sunday morning, August 3rd, two fires were started on church buildings in Suzdal. The first fire was started on the big metal hangar that is situated next to Synodal House at Teremki Street and and the second one was at the garage in a yard of Rizopologenskij convent at Vasilievskaja Street.

    At 4:30 in the morning, casual by-passers noticed a blaze rising over the hangar building that is used as a garage of Synod and also as a storehouse of construction materials and fuel. Five minutes earlier pilgrims, who were at the building next door to hangar, heard the sound of a car departing in a quick manner. In it, in all probability, were offenders, who set on fire.

    The starting point, of the fire was in a firewood storehouse added to the hangar. Arsonists splashed liquid fuel through a crack in a wall of the storehouse. As a result, their stored saw-timber burst into flames. Soon a metal wall of the hangar glowed because of the fire, and it started to split. Then flames enveloped shelves with car spare parts, wheels and paints.

    Archpriest Nicholas and Protodeacon Vladimir did their best to prevent an explosion of cars, which were in the garage, and they succeeded: one car was rolled out into the street and the other, which was left inside, was continually cooled off by pails full of water. Miraculously the fire didn't spread to areas with fuel, among which was tank with twelve tones of solar oil. A consequence of such a possible explosion of such quantity of fuel could be placed on the same footing as a serious terrorist act.

    In the building next door to hangar was Bishop AMBROSE, several clerics and pilgrims, among whom were two children aged from 7 to 9. They hastily left the building when a pungent smell of smoke began to penetrate in its corridors. Fire brigades arrived in five minutes after the conflagration was revealed. They coped with the fire in about half an hour. As a result of the conflagration several cubic meters of board, slate, other construction material and also motorcycle of subdeacon Ivan Kostin were burned. According to the most modest count, an injury caused by conflagration amounted to 50 thousand rubles. Protodeacon Vladimir, who was near the seat of the conflagration for a long time was poisoned by coal gas. Urgently needed medical help was given to him.

    The second arson took place approximately at 9.30 in the morning. An incendiary splashed petrol from a jerrycan (which was later found) and threw a match inside a crack in the back wall of a garage. The fire was noticed at once and in several minutes nuns and workers of the monastery extinguished it. As a result, saw-timber and plywood stored in the garage were slightly burnt. Also walls of the garage became covered with soot.

    It is far from first time that church buildings in Suzdal become objects of arson. In the last summer a conflagration took place in the Rizopologenskij monastery at Vasilievskaja Street, where a petrol bomb was thrown through window. The building was so damaged that its repair hasn't been completed yet. "Osetrovtzs" also set on fire to chapel on Znamenskoe cemetery in Suzdal and to a church house on Slobodskaja Street, where elderly nuns-invalids live. Several years earlier an unfinished building of women cloisters in the name of Saint John (patronymic Maximovich) was burnt down. Perpetrators of all these arsons, who are well known to many inhabitants of Suzdal "aren't ascertained" by investigation even up to now and criminal cases by majority of such incidents are closed.

    Around five in the morning of the 28th of August, the day of the feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos, unknown hooligans gathered in Daoobavrelse and burned the Cathedral Church of the Holy Equal to the Apostles Prince Vladimir, belonging to the Autonomous True Orthodox Church of Latvia — the Latvian Eparchy of the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church. The fire in the church was at once discovered by Archbishop VICTOR.

    According to the report of the Latvian firemen, there were discovered two canisters of gasoline, one of which was full, the other empty, which proved the fire was maliciously set. The flames of the fire seriously damaged the roof of the church, the interior, and church property. The damage is estimated at $9000 U.S. dollars.

    According to Archbishop VICTOR, about five in the morning he was woken by a neighbor lady, who informed him that the church was engulfed with flames. At that point the fire was burning the staircase on the second floor where the bishop slept. To flee the burning church, Archbishop VICTOR was helped by our Saviour. Vladyka was taken to the clinic with numerous burns. Later it became evident that the culprits threw bottles with a flammable mixture straight into the window of the Archbishop's residence.

    Archbishop VICTOR had reported that he had been threatened continuously during the previous two months. Whoever threatened the hierarch referred to themselves as Christians.

    The result of the fire was that the bishop's entire bedroom, the trapeza and the Eparchy's boardroom were burned.

    In the middle of May new acts of blasphemy and sacrilege with respect to the churches of the Russian Orthodox Church in Suzdal were committed by unknown criminals. Some icons and pieces of church plate were stolen from the church of New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia which was constructed in 2000 on the initiative and under the guidance of Metropolitan VALENTINE in a new district of Suzdal; the bell tower of the church of Saint Anthypa in Teremky street — which is near the building of ROAC Synod of bishops — was left without its bells.

    The citizens of Suzdal consider those crimes resulting from provocative statements of the former archpriest Andrew Osetrov on Vladimir TV. This person who slandered the head of ROAC and initiated his prosecution claimed that Metropolitan VALENTINE was concealing "innumerable treasures" which should be passed to the parishes. As a matter of fact, the former archpriest called for the expropriation of those mythical "treasures" — that caused a new wave of crimes in Suzdal.

    Several days later, in the night of May 23-24 four icons dating XIX century were stolen from Tsar Constantine Cathedral in Suzdal, a total value of which is estimated approximately at 40 thousand rubles. The burglar penetrated into the Cathedral in the interval between 2 and 4 a.m., having cut metal window bars with the help of hydraulic cutting pliers and having sawed a piece of the window frame in the side-altar in honor of All the Saints of Vladimir. The thief managed to get into the church through the Holy Gates.

    At 4:30 the candle-lighter revealed a burglary and called for the police who reached the spot in more than an hour. Judging from the remaining tracks and prints the experts came to a preliminary conclusion: the crime was committed by two persons at least, one of them being a child or a lean juvenile who entered the temple through the window. The thief was gloved. In order to get inside the temple the criminals climbed over the fence. The burglars had to be in a hurry — it seems that they knew what to do and which pieces could be taken away.

    It is the second burglary of Tsar Constantine Cathedral — which totally repeated the attempt of burglary undertaken a year ago on August 27. That time the burglars succeeded to bite window bars and got into the side-altar but were scared off by the presence of the candle-lighter and ran away having left a military radio transmitter and camouflage. The malefactors still remain undiscovered. The parishioners use to note that the number of crimes sharply increased during the period mayor Ryzhkov being in power. Local authorities remained indifferent to the declarations of Church representatives earlier, and it seems that at present they don't have any inclination to carry on criminal investigation and to punish the guilty. It seems that the outburst of crime admitted by the present Suzdal administration and ineffective activity — or inactivity — of the police which refuse to provide safety of ROAC believers and their temples will continue being part of the campaign; the aim of which is to discriminate against the ROAC.

    Theophan (Ashurkov), the new bishop of Moscow Patriarchate in Stavropol suddenly came into ROAC church of SaintOlga in the city of Zheleznovodsk. He attentively looked at the interior, then went to church lodge and announced that women there should take a blessing from him and "return to the mother-church". He made off when he was suggested to talk to the priests.

    Later it became known that on the MP clergy meeting this bishop, Theophan, promised to do all his best "to return" the church of Saint Olga to MP (this church was built by its Rector Father George Novakovski and it is a copy of Tsar-Constantine church in Suzdal, some time ago they had to fend off several serious attacks of a previous bishop of Moscow Partiarchate). Bishop Theophan of the Moscow Patriarchate has already prepared some documents for court to seize the building, also he is planning to start publishing different dirty articles in the local press.

    The Bishops' Synod of ROAC was held in Suzdal December 1-3 to discuss consecration of the bishop for the church communities in the USA, the position with regard to the new division in the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR) and other questions.

    The first meeting was addressed by Metropolitan VALENTINE who spoke about his visit to the USA. Speaking about the latest events in the ROCOR, Metropolitan VALENTINE noted a certain increased closeness of the relations between the ROAC and the Synod formed by Metropolitan VITALY. The Primate expressed also regret that the Synod of Metropolitan VITALY refused to sever the relations with the Kyprianites. The meeting ruled that communion with the Synod of Metropolitan VITALY can only be established after it ceases the communion with "the Synod in Resistance".

    Considered were petitions from ROCOR clerics wishing to join the ROAC, and the procedure was established — to admit clerics from the ROCOR and the Moscow Patriarchate: through repentance, confession of the faith, and bringing the oath. Ordination is prescribed for "doubtful cases" only.

    The meeting appointed Archbishop THEODORE as the chairman of the Theological Commission and gave the blessing for opening a priest-training course under the Suzdal Diocese.

    The Synod decided to begin preparation for the 1st Bishops' Council of the ROAC with participation of clerics and lay worshippers.

    The Synod reiterated that "the ROAC stays outside of any politics and its clerics must not be members of any political party". It was noted in the Synodal definition that "every shepherd and every member of the Church of God must educate one's flock, relatives and friends in the spirit of patriotism with regard to the Church of God and to the Fatherland, and keep one's conscience in purity. Orthodox Christian must not share a state political ideology which is contrary to the evangelical laws and the Orthodox doctrine".

    Metropolitan Valentine, head of the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church, arrived in America on Friday October 12, 2001. He flew into Denver, Colorado, and was met by Archimandrite Gregory and the faithful who drove him to Dormition Skete, a monastery three hours driving distance from Denver, in the mountains of Colorado. Despite the elevation of 9,000 feet (2,743 meters), Metropolitan Valentine’s health remained strong and vigorous. He was greeted at the monastery by the brotherhood of Dormition Skete, Mother Mariam of Holy Apostles Convent, and faithful parishioners from across the country.

    On Saturday, Vladyka met and interviewed candidates who had prepared themselves for ordination: Michael Fresco from southern California, and Paul Kalamaras from Virginia. Michael is starting a parish in California named for St. Maximos the Confessor, and Paul will serve at the Church of St. Basil of Kineshma in Virginia under Fr. Dionysi. Fr. Dionysi arrived on this day with his family for a three day visit. In addition to the above candidates, two monks from Dormition Skete were interviewed in preparation for ordination, Hierodeacon Fr. George and Fr. Peter.

    On Sunday morning, the feast of the Holy Protection of the Theotokos, Vladyka served the hierarchal Liturgy and ordained Hierodeacon George to the holy priesthood and Michael Fresco to the holy deaconate. During this liturgy, the abbot of the monastery, Fr. Gregory, was made a mitered archimandrite according to the Russian practice. Fr. Dionysi was honored with the Nebednik and the Scufa.

    On Monday morning, Fr. Deacon Michael Fresco was ordained to the holy priesthood and Paul Kalamaras to the holy deaconate. Because Vladyka Valentine’s trip was accomplished in short notice, the above-mentioned clergy were not able to arrange for a longer visit than the weekend. They had to return home quickly, having work commitments on Tuesday.

    Fr. Peter was ordained a deacon on Tuesday morning by Vladyka on the third consecutive hierarchal Liturgy. Then, on Wednesday, Vladyka was involved in much ecclesiastical work dealing with ROAC, writing letters and sending and receiving faxes.

    The faithful parishioners, who were not able to come and meet Vladyka on such a short notice, called from all over Colorado, and also from the states of Virginia, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Massachusetts, New Mexico, North Dakota, New Jersey, New York, Alabama, Florida, and Kansas, and even from Toronto, Canada. They called to greet Metropolitan Valentine, hear his voice, receive his blessing, and wish him a pleasant and fruitful visit to America.

    On Thursday October 18, Dr. Jerjis T. Alajaji flew from Pennsylvania and arrived at Dormition Skete for a five day visit, to get Vladyka’s blessings, be spiritually nourished by the daily cycle of holy services, and get to personally know better Vladyka Valentine, Archimandrite Gregory, Fr. George, Fr. Peter, and Brother John. In addition, Fr. George’s brother Clement came for a one day visit with his wife Elizabeth and his two daughters, Emily and Zoe.

    The translators for Vladyka were initially Maximos Kotyarov, who came from Denver for the first two days, and then throughout the visit of Vladyka, Vladimir Mskhiladze, who traveled from Albuquerque, New Mexico. During his stay, Vladyka walked the grounds of the monastery, and visited Buena Vista and the Twin Lakes, a scenic area north of Buena Vista.

    On Friday afternoon, a special gift for Vladyka arrived from the Ioanna Phillips and her family in Portland, Oregon. The gift was a splendid hand-beaded ostrich egg of the kind which normally hang beneath the icons on the choros which surrounds the chandelier in an Orthodox church [as they do now in our own Church of the Dormition thanks to the God-given talent and generosity of Ioanna]. Vladyka was very impressed by the gift and promised to remember her family especially in his prayers. He said the egg will hang from the chandelier in his church in Suzdal.

    On Saturday, Joseph and Anna Johnson arrived from Utah on a two day visit, and John Mills came from Colorado Springs, Colorado (John Mills is Fr. George’s brother). On Sunday, Joseph and Anna Johnson spoke with Vladyka and departed on their twelve hour journey back to Utah. Also on Sunday, Vladyka provided Dr. Jerjis T. Alajaji with a lesson in the basics of the Russian language.

    On Sunday, Vladyka served his last hierarchal liturgy of this trip at Dormition Skete. It was very emotional. The Metropolitan blessed the brotherhood and the Church of the Dormition.

    On Monday, after the trapeza, Vladyka prepared to travel on to San Francisco, where he will venerate and pray for his flock before the incorrupt relics of St. John the Wonder-worker of Shanghai and San Francisco, and from there to visit Fr. Vladimir Shiskoff in New York, before taking the long flight back to Russia. Archimandrite Gregory, Hierodeacon George, Dr. Jerjis, and Vladimir Mskhiladze accompanied the Metropolitan to the Denver airport, where they received his blessing and bid him farewell. Security at the airport was very tight, but Vladyka made it through with no problems.

    All of us in America cannot express the gratitude that we have for Vladyka Valentine’s sacrifice in coming half-way across the world to meet with us. We all wish him good health and many years in his labors for true Orthodoxy.

    Late in the evening on the 30 of September 2 houses of ROAC were set on the fire in Suzdal.

    One is the old wooden house (on Slobodskaya street) where Archimandret Irinarch lives along with some other monks and old people, including blind nun (mother of Hieromonk Symon) and paralyzed old man.

    The enemies doused the whole house around with gasoline, surrounding all the house with gasoline "path", and then set fire. It was at 23:30. Luckily Father Symon was praying in his cell at that time, and the fire came to his window (because of the thin wooden decorations that surround the window). He saw the fire and immediately called everyone out. They used the water from the huge rain can standing nearby and the earth from the garden that is located near the house, so they managed to stop the fire quickly. Otherwise it would be difficult to avoid victims.

    On the same night the wooden constructions surrounding the chapel that is being built by Vladyka at the cemetery of Suzdal was burned out. The walls of the chapel became black.

    The firemen found a 5-liter empty can from gasoline near the house. But the police behaves very strange. They say that there was no fire.

    The unknown criminals broke open the Church of "Joy of All who Sorrow" in Suzdal and stolen an old beautiful icon. Vladyka called the militia (police) but they refused to investigate the matter and said that Vladyka had stolen this icon himself.

    On the next day, after 9 p.m., 4 people (2 in militia uniform and 2 in civil) came to Synodal house on Vasilievskaya street. They asked for the book of registrations and said that they will heck the documents of all the people who live in the house (this is a large building, with a monastery on the firs floor and a number of people leaving on the second floor). Vladyka said that the house is new and they still did not get the book of registrations. "OK, then we shall just check the documents of all the people here," — said the guests, but Vladyka showed them out. "We shall investigate by other means," — said the guests instead of "Good-bye".

    A number of old catacomb nuns (who never received soviet passport) live or come to Suzdal. In Russia living without a passport is a sort of crime.
    Saint Philaret the New Confessor

    The celebrations of the canonization by the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church (ROAC) of Metropolitan PHILARET (Voznesensky) of New York and East America, the third First-Hierarch of the Russia Orthodox Church Outside of Russia (ROCOR), were held April 30 and May 1 at the Tsar Constantine cathedral here with participation of five bishops, about 30 clerics and dozens of laity from Russian provinces and former USSR.

    Taking part in the rites were Metropolitan VALENTINE of Suzdal, Archbishop FEODOR of Borisov, Archbishop SERAPHIM of Suhumi, Bishop ANTONY of Yaran and Bishop AMVROSY of Khabarovsk.

    The text of the Act of Glorification notes the deeds of the canonized, including the canonization in 1981 of the Synaxis of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia, the denouncement of the ecumenical doctrine in 1983, the support of the Catacomb Church in Russia, and the "Sorowful Epistles" to the leaders of the Orthodox Churches. The Act states that after the passing away of Metropolitan PHILARET, certain bishops of the ROCOR "took the Church astray and off the straight road that it traveled under Metropolitan PHILARET". The Act expresses surprise that in 1998 the ROCOR rendered to the mould the uncorrupted relics of Metropolitan PHILARET that were acquired at the Holy Trinity monastery in Jordanville, USA. It has been determined to celebrate the memory of Metropolitan PHILARET on November 21, the day of his passing.

    During the rite of the oils presented was an icon of Metropolitan Philaret embroidered by Elena Kudravzeva, a member of the Moscow Brotherhood of the ROAC. She worked over this icon for about 3 years, after her son was healed by the prayers to SaintPhilaret. The service of SaintPhilaret was written at the SaintPetersburg parish of Grand Princess Elisaveta Feodorovna.

    Metropolitan VALENTINE noted in his address the importance of the canonization in the context of the division of Orthodoxy according to adoption or non-adoption of the traditions of the Holy Fathers.

    Bishop AMBROSE of Khabarovsk, who was attacked physically last March, has received an anonymous letter with threats. The letter was delivered at bishop’s home although the envelope carried no address or mail service stamps. The computer-printed text contains a number of insulting expressions directed at the bishop, some of them, like «Satanist», being clearly «religious». The fact that the anonymous writer belongs to a religious organization is also proven by specific phrases.

    «This was your first and last warning. I give you one week to get out of our glorious city. Or else you leave it in a cerecloth of wood».

    Metropolitan VALENTINE thinks that the authors of the letter are seriously scared by the appearance in the city of a bishop «of an alternative jurisdiction», whose missionary work may «damage the dominant confession». Bishop Ambrosy was a cleric of the Khabarovsk Diocese of the ROC in late 1980s and early 1990s, he was off the staff for several years, before he joined the ROAC. Last November he was chirotonized to bishop.

    March 22 unknown persons beat the hierarch and accompanying priest, and he was hospitalized, staying in a life-support unit for several days.
    March 22, 2001


    Unknown criminals attacked and beat Bishop AMBROSE of Khabarovsk and Father Dimitry in an apartment hallway on March 22, 2001. They were attacked after serving the Liturgy.

    When Bishop AMBROSE and Father Dimitry entered the apartment house that they visit very often, somebody attacked them from behind, starting to beat them with billy clubs. Vladyka immediately lost consciousness, but Father Dimitry noticed 2 young men. He remembers only one of these two who looked to be about 25 years old; his hair was cut short, and he acted as if he were used to using a billy club. People in the house heard the noise and ran out. The assailants ran away and jumped into an old white Toyota (the most common kind of car in Khabarovsk), its plate numbers were covered up. One parishioner tried to stop them, but the Toyota slightly hit her and kept on going.

    Bishop AMBROSE was unconscious for several hours. He was hospitalized and put into the intensive-care unit.

    On March 24th, Vladyka AMBROSE was discharged from the hospital at his on request. His face was covered with contusions, with a numerous bruises, a torn lip, and possibly a brain concussion. Medics say though that his vital organs have not been seriously damaged.

    Right before the incident Vladyka AMBROSE gave an interview to one of the newspapaers in Khabarovsk concerning church problems. The interview was in a very nice and intelligent style, without condemning anybody.

    Vladyka AMBROSE was rather active — he planned to build in Khabarovsk a church of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God and found a convent in the suburbs of the city.
    FROC Archbishop VALENTINE and Synod March 15, 2001


    On March 2/15, 2001, the day of the appearance of the Reigning icon of the Mother of God, a session of the Hierarchical Council of the Russian Orthodox Church took place in the Synodal house in Suzdal.

    The President of the Hierarchical Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, Archbishop VALENTINE, made the suggestion of glorifying Metropolitan PHILARET (Voznesensky), President of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad (ROCA), among the ranks of the saints. His Eminence THEODORE, Archbishop of Borisovskoye and Sanino, concurred with this opinion, and also gave the information that "the chancellery had sent out telegrams to their Graces requesting them to come to the session of the Hierarchical Synod and compose their opinion on the question at issue. As regards my relationship to the glorification of Metropolitan PHILARET," added Archbishop THEODORE, "I consider that our Synod must carry out the will of God and do that which the Synod of the Church Abroad is no longer in a position to do — glorify the holy Hierarch Philaret among the ranks of the saints."

    Those present were acquainted with the opinions on the question at issue of all the Hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church: his Grace VICTOR, Archbishop of Laugavpis and Latvia, gave the following reply: "Having acquired a preliminary acquaintance with the given material, and having now received the good news of the intention of the Russian Orthodox Church to glorify Metropolitan PHILARET (Voznesensky), who preserved the Church in difficult times — I, humble VICTOR, archbishop, bow my knees before those who have initiated this holy act. I support and encourage the Glorification of the holy Hierarch Philaret (Voznesensky), whom the Lord Himself has already chosen, by the Orthodox Church."

    His Grace HILARION, Bishop of Smelyan: "Who can and will dare to oppose the holiness and purity of life, faith and service to the Church of Christ of the holy Hierarch Hilarion (Voznesensky) The whole of his life and service, and even his incorrupt body, testify to the holiness of his soul. May God grant that his intercession in prayer before the Most High Creator and his present glorification may be reflected by the manifestation of grace also upon our Russian Autonomous Church. I belief that all of us, in glorifying the holy Hierarch Philaret, will not be deprived of his protection in this and in the coming world.

    "I also profoundly believe that the holy Hierarch Philaret is now among the number of the heaven-dwellers and speaks to us as it were in the words of G. Derzhavin: 'I am nothing! But Thou, O Lord, shinest in me, by the majesty of Thy goodness. In me Thou dost form Thyself as the sun in a small drop of water.'

    "I profoundly believe that the glorification of the holy Hierarch Philaret will bring grace-filled strengthening also to our Russian Orthodox Church, and, uniting my feeble voice, I beseech: O holy Father and Hierarch Philaret, pray God for the prosperous, peaceful and true stand of the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church, for her Hierarchs, servers and for all her spiritual children!"

    His Grace Bishop TIMOTHY and His Grace Bishop GERONTIUS also completely supported the glorification of the holy Hierarch Philaret (Voznesensky). The same opinion was supported by all the Hierarchs present. And so the decision was unanimous:

    1. Taking into account that fact that the Hierarch PHILARET (Voznesensky) was the helmsman of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad and led her Orthodox ship amidst the sea of life in accordance with the canons of the Holy Orthodox Church, not entering into compromises with the sergianists and in accordance with the popular veneration of the ever-memorable Metropolitan PHILARET by the members of the Russian Orthodox Church, and also with the incorruption of his relics in Jordanville at their reburial: TO GLORIFY the holy Hierarch Philaret (Voznesensky), Metropolitan of New York and First Hierarch of the ROCA in the Emperor Constantine cathedral of the God-preserved city of Suzdal after holy Pascha.

    2. To establish the day of the celebration of the holy Hierarch Philaret on the day of his death, November 8/21, the feast of the Synaxis of the Archangel Michael and the other bodiless Heavenly Powers.

    Further, the President of the Hierarchical Synod of the ROAC, Archbishop VALENTINE, informed that recently a series of petitions to the Hierarchical Synod of the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church has come from clergy and believers of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, requesting that they be received under the omophorion of the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church.

    The clergy and believers gave as the reason for their exit the fact that the hierarchs of the Church Abroad have departed from the truth and adopted a course bringing them closer to the Moscow Patriarchate and other ecumenists.

    The participants in the session expressed the opinion that it was necessary to receive the clergy without a canonical release, since they were leaving their bishop because of his coming closer to the heretics and ecumenists. The basis for this is laid by the 15th canon of the First-and-Second Council of Constantinople: "Those who depart from communion with their President for the sake of some heresy condemned by the Councils or Fathers, when, that is, he preaches heresy publicly, and teaches it openly in the Church, even if such people separate themselves from communion with the so-called Bishop before conciliar examination, not only are not subject to the epitimia laid down by the canons, but are worthy of the honour befitting the Orthodox. For they have condemned, not bishops, but false bishops and false teachers, and have not divided the unity of the Church by schism, but have tried to preserve the Church from schisms and divisions."

    Passing to the second question on the agenda, his Grace Archbishop THEODORE read out the addresses and suggestions of the Hierarchs presented by them at the Session of the Hierarchical Synod of the ROAC. In their addresses, for the good of the Church, their Graces suggested examining the question of the future leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church by a Hierarch in the rank of Metropolitan. In connection with this they simultaneously suggested raising Archbishop VALENTINE of Suzdal and Vladimir to the rank of METROPOLITAN. "My opinion," said Archbishop THEODORE, "is the following: the President of the Hierarchical Synod of the ROAC, Archbishop VALENTINE, has already led the Suzdal Diocese for ten years, keeping the tiller of Church administration on the course bequeathed by the First Hierarchs of the Church Abroad. For this he deserves this high rank, and being raised to the dignity of Metropolitan and being named First Hierarch of the ROAC."

    A similar opinion was expressed by Bishop HILARION of Smelyan: "From the time of its last council, the ROCA has ceased to exist as a true bearer of Orthodoxy. Her hierarchs have signed up to a secret aggiornamento — that is, they have transferred to the path of the Moscow Patriarchate. Therefore the Russian Orthodox (Autonomous) Church is in urgent need of a First Hierarch — Metropolitan, for the restoration of the fullness of the ecclesiastical hierarchy. I write to you as a cleric of our Church that the Providence of God has from the beginning chosen Vladyka VALENTINE as the instrument for the restoration in Rus' of the True Orthodox Church of Christ, and he has suffered much in the carrying out of this providential act. His Grace Bishop HILARION went on to write: "I, as a feeble, unworthy and sinful Hierarch of the Church wish to see and commemorate in my ecclesiastical service Archbishop VALENTINE in the rank of Metropolitan of the ROAC, and I raise my hierarchical voice and with joy and for all to hear I cry: AXIOS, AXIOS, AXIOS!"

    His Grace Bishop AMBROSE added to this that the First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church was worthy to be a Metropolitan having the right of wearing two panagias. And the eldest Hierarchs after the First Hierarch — Archbishop THEODORE, Archbishop SERAPHIM and Archbishop VICTOR — were worthy of the right to wear a cross on their klobuks. This corresponded to the situation of the Russian Church and would serve for the strengthening of her authority.

    The participants in the session decreed:

    1. Taking into account the suggestions of their Graces the Hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church, for the good of the Church of God, from now on the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church is to be led by a Hierarch in the rank of METROPOLITAN.

    2. Taking into account the labours of Archbishop VALENTINE for the glory of the Church of God, and taking into account the desires of their Graces, the Hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church, TO RAISE TO THE RANK OF METROPOLITAN with the right of wearing two panagias his Eminence Archbishop VALENTINE of Suzdal and Vladimir.

    3. To count their Graces Archbishop THEODORE, Archbishop SERAPHIM and Archbishop VICTOR worthy of the right to wear a cross on their klobuks. Further, questions relating to the internal life of the Russian Orthodox Church were examined. His Grace Bishop AMBROSE voiced the opinion that the time had come for the Hierarchical Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church to issue a decree on the gracelessness of the sacraments of the Moscow Patriarchate. The members of the Hierarchical Synod agreed with this and decreed: to begin work on the given problem, in order to examine this question in more detail at the next sessions of the Hierarchical Synod, having asked the opinions of all the Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church.

    This session of the Hierarchical Synod of the Russian Orthodox Autonomous Church ended with the chanting of the prayer "It is very meet to bless thee".
